This review is entirely for my own sake. You are welcome to read it but it may or may not contain spoilers for the whole game.

It was quite an unexpected surprise to see this posted on a tweet just minutes after being released. I went in expecting a short and sweet homage to Celeste but in 3D in a "Super Mario 64 Style" and that is exactly what was delivered.

Consisted of a single level themed like Forsaken City with 30 strawberries scattered around. Some of them hidden in crevices, others in hard to reach places, a few on sub-levels with challenging platforming sections and just a few that require solving a puzzle or riddle.

I would have appreciated more of these latter puzzly berries, but at least some of the platforming sections did feature having to figure out the route to be taken.

The dialogues with the characters were good too and implied things about what happened to Madeline and the other characters after the events of Celeste, although I'm a bit sad Oshiro wasn't present.

Overall, it was a fun short experience very much recommended for fans of Celeste but not for newcomers.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
