2023 First Time Plays Ranked

Alright. Thats it. Roll credits. Interesting year in life for me rebuilding myself into an adult man. Not so interesting in games. Katamari was the highlight fr fr. Started getting into some crpgs, game passed on a whim, more indie games which were often mid, and game passed around.

Heres about three sentences about every game i played for the first time this year. There are some games floating around that I started or continued this year that I didn't feel confident in writing on yet so those will show up in a future list. Have a good year folks!

Automaton Lung
Automaton Lung
A reflective piece that is very gamey and aware of its nature. I like it as a great mood piece though quite frankly might be more fun to discuss than to play. A series of levels that can only exist within the tapestry of video games that hold no meaning without such context. Very cool!
Arcade Paradise
Arcade Paradise
Nothing says an arcade laundromat quite like a nepotism baby doing some gentrification. Also you get to actually do laundry, yay.
AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
Oh god, am I growing out of uchikoshi? Like the peaks of this were a lot of fun and I really enjoy modern uchikoshis more empathetic theming.... but this plot just lost me after the time skip. There wasn't some burning sensation to keep going at that point it just all slid apart for me. sigh now I'm scared to replay vlr
Against the Storm
Against the Storm
Chunks up city building into such a digestible rogue like it really suits everything I like about both genres while being easy to pick up and put down. The asthetics are cool and I'm curious if there's any real narrative here but we'll see.
Chinese Silk Song? It gets hollow knight esque exploration quite well and is a good time. More of a satisfactory search action that shows how the genre is developing with grace rather than some standard of the genre
7 Days to Die
7 Days to Die
You know, xbox gave me some points towards a free month of gamepass for killing two zombies in this. Was it worth it? I mean it's free money. Still hard to shake the trauma of reaching into the dregs of this medium.


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