Fascinating for how systemless it is. Obviously there's leveling, statistics (like health and mana), and currency basics in here that work well as the constant measuring stick for your progress, but the experience is mostly flat.
What's even crazier is that this works completely for what they are going for here! The lack of complexity really coalesces with the Akira Toriyama art style for just a super chill and charming vibe. The game doesn't challenge you to think much harder than "oh I died, I probably shouldn't be in this area right now" or "oh fire spells work well on this enemy". Death is hardly a punishment, just a bump on the road that resets your position in the world. It's nice! It's also very flawed!

I wish I didn't have to go through junk mobs every time I explore through areas I've been through. I wish fights didn't just result in me, dead brained, pressing attack most of the time. I wish armor changes felt more significant than,
"oh my numbers are bigger".

The vibes here are prem-o, the content, less so. I definitely find myself bouncing off of it but appreciating it in the context of the larger series. The Chillitude has been there since day one 😤

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2022
