This game was incredible fun, I did not expect this level of excitement or pizzazz, the cover of game doesn't not give it justice at all. I will say the further I got in the game the more I found it tiring but I still had the same level of fun and enjoyment if that makes any sense.
The music is ok, not my type of tune but it fit with the atmosphere.
The enemies were no problem since I was normal except one. The goddamn gun enemies, I had more fun fighting my depression that I ever will fighting these losers. If I could decrease the amount of damage they did to me I would feel a lot more satisfied. Especially since there's a ton of them at a time and they have deadeye for some reason.
I will say the truck/motorcycle levels suck because the aiming sucks. If they fixed that, I think I would definitely be more willing replay this game.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2022
