No but seriously I hate this game so much; so so goddamn much. I honestly would have quit if there were more than three stages.

Let's get into why this game was bad.

1. Platforming is just janky as all hell. There were obstacles in my path that were very hard to see or noticed. Like legit I thought the game was just buggy after all these years but nope. It's suppose to be this stupid. As well as the wall bounce mechanic, it's literally the most janky thing I've ever came across and even I wouldn't torture my enemies with it. It never works as intended and it works when it's never intended. Along with the fact that jumping just sucks, sometimes you'll jump normal, other times incredible high or short and that it's made even worst when you die by the gajillion death pit you lose a life. When you lose all your lives you get send back to the very beginning. You can now understand why I was so grateful that I beat this malevolence piece of garbage.

2. The control layout is really weird. You would think down was for crouch but nope. Spacebar is to crouch.....for some reason.

3. The hitboxes are awful. Sometimes I would get hit when I'm behind the damaging attack or projectiles. Straight up annoying.

That's it really. I'm just glad it's over. Now I can peacefully delete this game's website from my history and memory.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2022
