Who'd of thought randomly deciding to buy this game I knew nothing about on release would be the best decision I made this year.

This game is fun, charming and exhilarating. I am not a fan of roguelites/likes at all. I rarely find myself having fun when I play them. But this was different and I'm so glad.

The story is really good, simple for sure but I didn't go in expecting much so it basically blew me away in that regard.

The combat system is really cool, it help make ever run feel super fresh. I also liked figuring out new combos. Its a really brilliant system, I want more games similar to this. The mobility in this game is amazing as well. From the getgo you have two jumps, two air leaps and one air dash. And with
accessories you can get even more mobility options.

The artstyle of the game is great obviously. It's the same artist as Bravely Default and Bravely Second, which I love a lot. It's so comfy to look at.

Even if you're not a fan of roguelikes/lites I recommend giving it a try. It doesn't limit you in options like others in the genre do.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2022
