Oh well. This might be my most negative review yet. I could write around 50 points of what's wrong with this game. But that's pointless. I rather focus on what made me actually finish the game, and the little aspects that I enjoyed, but I still somewhat have to explain my hatred for this game, don't I...

First of all, this game is heavily inspired (to not say copied) by Cry of Fear. It's visible since the very first second of the gameplay. It tries to be Cry of Fear so badly, even the story is somewhat similar, but of course much blander and... emptier. There are so many aspects that are heavily inspired by Cry of Fear that a blind person playing it would notice. I'm not joking. Just imagine CoF but everything that possibly could be done badly, actually IS done badly. That's what this game is. Now I'm not a game developer. I'm not a voice actor. I'm not a programmer. I don't even know how to code, but I fucking know when sound of ocean is louder than the character and I can't understand ANYTHING that's being said. I know when a monster looks more like if he was tap dancing or hitting the griddy in high school corridor than as if he was chasing me. Example 1 Example 2

I don't know whether it's the engine limitations or not. But I know for a fact that 99% of this could've been done better. The monsters still let out sounds after they die, for absolutely no reason. The elevator rides, that are a popular way of transport in the game, are overly long and WAY too loud, for no reason - again. There are some weapons that are useless and others that are very overpowered, weapon system isn't balanced at all. Even though enemies shoot with similar/same weapons that we use, they don't drop ammo. This game feels more like a walking simulator and/or hack'n'slash for most of the time than a damn horror. I didn't get scared ONCE during the whole playthrough. Not even the cheap sound spikes during jump-scares moved me, and that's an achievement to fuck even that up. I seriously doubt the authors were trying to create an actual serious Horror game heavily inspired by Cry of Fear, because this is a terrible disappointment if that happened to be true. There are tons of mechanics that were being added for no reason, before polishing the previous ones. There's sprinting in the game that's supposed to make you afraid that you might run out of stamina when being chased, but unless you sprint for like 10 seconds all at once you will never be out of breath. Then what the hell is that mechanic for? The game self-contradicts itself very often, too. To say when and how would be a spoiler of the story, not that it's worth knowing or anything in my opinion but I still rather avoid spoiling anything. But here's a link to my YouTube clips if someone were to be curious, keep in mind those are slight spoilers. Start of Self-Contradiction End of Self-Contradiction If that isn't bullshit, I don't know what is.

On to last of the negatives, to wrap it up. The usage of props is incredibly lazy and random. You see machines and props standing in places where they shouldn't really be, and you see this all the time. The sprites are lazy as well. I can't count how many times I walked past the same fucking shop being in different parts of the city. You can see the same car 5 times in matter of 30 seconds, and you don't even have to try. Usage of Sound is done very poorly, too. If you can even call it usage, because NOTHING IS BEING DONE WITH THE SOUND. Besides monsters screaming occasionally, and maybe some footsteps, there's nothing going on. Layout of the rooms you visit and of the city is done incredibly lazy as well. In fact, it's so lazy, that when you enter an objective area, it looks exactly the same as every previous one you entered, just with other brand on it and other 'task' that it serves, but it's all bullshit it's really just the same room.

The only positive aspects for me were that some guns really felt like if they had impact. They felt heavy. Like they should feel. It was satisfying to shoot with them. OST sometimes was decent too, but it was also heavily inspired by Cry of Fear of course. The dialogues are dull and don't really matter, you won't hear half of them anyways because the developers didn't bother turning the game sounds down during cutscenes. I think that's about it; I don't want to make this rant under the clever disguise of a 'review' any longer.
Avoid at all costs, unless you get paid to finish it, and some good money at that, too.

Bonus Clips: (warning, potential spoilers)

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2023
