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Ok this I feel is going to be one of my best reviews for a game.
Disclaimer, I strongly dislike Turn based, JRPGs. Ok so seeing this rating must be shocking!

I played this as a bet for something ridiculous that my friend did which took an entire year, so I didn't back out of playing this.

I went into thinking it was going to be another predictable anime game, oh boy was I wrong!
So this was on gamepass, played for free, but I would happily buy this.

The Story really hooked me on the basis its mature, questions morality and forces the player to make decisions and choosing to embrace death, I saw them shoot themselves and gasped! Was not expecting all of this!

I struggle with story based games if there are no breaking points, emotion moments or fantastic spectacles. This had all of them, I can count four moments where I got teary, THANKS GAME! and plenty of moments where I was stunned. and the ending just made me happy and relieved they did what they set out to do despite your characters end which I named myself "CUNT CUNT" Because funny.
During this playthrough which yes I did all live one stream being over 14 hours, I found out that this game is merely a spin off, which is making me want to play even more! I felt empty after I watched the credits and now just want to play more!!!

Music was incredible, catchy, memorable, and I've even added some into my own personal playlist to listen to while gaming or going about my day.
The combat while simple and easy to understand was engaging, while I think the Persona attacks were tedious and having to watch our characters shoot themselves in the head 200 plus times, I was never bored.
Barely had to do any grinding for the end game, Id say about 2 hours total in my playthrough was grinding. I played on normal btw.
The Selection of Personas were great although unlike pokemon I probably wont remember them if you was to say their name, but a pic I would, I chose to end the game with Beezlebub and Satan, what a lovely duo!

The Remastered cutscenes and animations were brilliant after watching a side by side comparisons. The VAs who I found out the VA for Mitsubishi my nickname for Kiroji is a twitch streamer, bloody awesome! all did fantastic in their roles, especially Junpei and Revolver Jesus.

Tartarus Tower I enjoyed despite it apparently being disliked among the community, find that strange, loved exploring except for the DJ floors, that was really messing with my eyes.

Now after all this you are probably wondering why I've removed half a star, I found the pacing of the story to be a bit shallow, good story just after the whole shadow stuff and then Ryoji coming in, I found the quality in the hub world to be a bit bland, by then the school break was on, I had finished a lot of the social links, had my stats max, so I was found in a monotonous cycle of going arcade levelling my personas and doing the same thing every night. Will mention I was also at the border floors by the second visits and had been completing all the requests as they became available. Elizabeth is a fight I am gonna struggle with!

But yeah thats my thought on this. I genuinely went into this thinking I was gonna hate it, came out regretting that I have never played a Persona game, and now wanting more.

Next stop Persona 4 when I feel like I want to sink 80 plus hours into another JRPG

also Junpei is a fiend xD

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

Louie finished the bet and not only played the game but actually followed the story, I say this rarely; Louie, well done.

Also concerning is Louie playing Persona 4, if you thought Louie was a monster in Persona 3 I am only gonna say one word; Rise. Dear god help us when he meets her.
