A beautiful remake of a great original. Having dedicated buttons for the sword, shield, and boots, and a context sensitive power glove make it really hard to every play the original again. Having a map that displays acquired heart pieces and shells, as well as memories to remind me of where to go are very helpful too.

The one big detractor was the dungeon builder, which is just kind of a drag. The maker works fine, and it can be fun putting dungeons together, but having to then go through the dungeons myself feels like putting together a puzzle I figured out 30 minutes ago. Wouldn't be so bad if it was just a side thing for sharing dungeons with friends with the amiibo (or, ideally, online), but heart pieces, a shell, and a bottle were tied to it. This mode is not suited for loners.

Also, I wish I could move with the d-pad. I'm already sad that the movement is locked to eight directions instead of being full analog like in A Link Between Worlds, but maybe analog control would have broken the level design. The real problem is that I can only move with the analog stick, which is prone to drifting. Either letting me move with the d-pad or letting me use a singular joycon on its own (the one I have that doesn't drift) would have solved the issue. On a totally unrelated note, the GameCube controller works really well with this game.

Other than those couple problems, I loved this game. Maybe someday I'll revisit it to try hard mode.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2021
