Enshrouded is a great game to play with friends. None of the mechanics are ground breaking necessarily, but it gels well and works to give a engaging game in multiplayer. Exploration is really fun and crafting is cool too. You can solve most traversal problems with a pickaxe ;)
The combat is decent as well, even if it is certainly quite basic. Luckily, it is very varied so you may not notice it until a bit into the game. The survival aspects are dialed back so you can focus on exploration and crafting and combat. There are some basic puzzles too.

Unfortunately the game has 3 big issues.
Firstly the story exists but is literally just text, reading is a bit too basic to be the main story in a game in 2024 according to me.
Additionally, the game is just too big for its own good , and unlike something like witcher 3, not most of it is unique. You can notice the repetitive aspects very soon and the game can become a chore over time.
Finally adding onto that, if you are playing it solo , the chore aspect really takes over to the point i got bored and left. The variance in fun i had in multiplayer and singleplayer is extreme so i cannot rate higher than 3/5, but actually if you have mates to play with this is a very very good game and really worth trying out !

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024
