Don't care about your opinion, I like Genshin Impact and yes the game obviously has its icks but in general, it's fun.

I love how the more the game grows, the more they distance themselves from being a "botw copy" as people say and I love that for them.

The story is pretty good for now and the lore seems super deep and detailed and every character has its own detailed lore and I absolutely enjoy that and I can't wait to see more.

The music is honestly fantastic and it's definitely surprising for a gacha game.

The gameplay is pretty fun. You have a lot of characters with different gameplay so you can definitely find a few characters you like playing. The exploration is fun and honestly doesn't feel so repetitive and it's also quite rewarding.

The gacha system isn't as bad as people think. I think people just don't know how to save their primos and they immediately spend them whenever they see 160.

Endgame content isn't also as lacking as you think.

Now, one of my icks though is obviously the lack of diversity. I'm hoping it would get better but I doubt it's going to happen unfortunately. Also I hate how they keep adding bosses to the world when there's some bosses that only have 2 characters use their materials and then they throw these horrible bosses in the spiral abyss and most of the timer you can't even hit them (fuck you wenut and robot snake).

Also I think it's lacking co-op stuff to do. Why have a co-op mode if all you can do is just beat bosses and explore? Fortunately they seem to be adding things to do, like TCG and I hope to see more in the future.

Anyway, this was your Genshin Impact review by a totally normal Xiao, Itto, Ayato and future Baizhu main.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2023
