Incredible experience from start to finish!

I wasn't so insanely excited for Final Fantasy XVI even after watching the trailers but once I played the demo, I was really hooked in and wanted to see and play more.

The intro was absolutely amazing, probably one of the best parts of the game to be honest. It got me really excited to continue.

One of my first thoughts playing it was how I loved the more mature turn to the series with this game. I like how dark it can get and how intimate I guess.

After getting into Devil May Cry a few months ago and having been playing mostly that, getting into FFXVI's gameplay felt super natural to me and also incredibly fun. It was pretty slow at the start but once you get your hands on more eikons, that's when the fun really begins. Trying to dodge and getting attacks in between. It's not only about the action it's also a little about strategy about having to think what ability to use or what to dodge and parry and it keeps you hooked in the fight. One of the downsides though is while all these abilities are incredible, there is sometimes so much going on with effects that you can't see anything and therefore it's hard to see incoming attacks. As much as I love colors and effects and I felt like I was on drugs like half the game, sometimes it was a bit too much and I would've loved to be able to dodge more instead of taking the attack in because I didn't see.

I like linear games and it made me happy to see FFXVI was linear but I feel like they didn't put much into their world and exploration and that is a little sad. Also as much as I like doing side quests, a lot of them were boring and shouldn't have been a thing. Sometimes games should not do so many side quests just to make their game longer. A few side quests were actually nice to do because either they had a nice (or very dark) story behind it or either they were in Clive's path during the main story and you didn't have to go out of your way to do them. Now, the side quests distribution was actually really bad because they just put a bunch of them, especially a lot towards the end where you don't want to do that many side quests because you want to finish the game cause it gets quite intense so cutting the experience with an insane amount of side quests is not good. I gave up when I had like 10+ side quests pop up right before the final fight.

As for characters, I actually liked the cast quite a lot. And the VAs did such a good job too. To be fair I wasn't sure about Jill and Clive's relationship at first because they are technically siblings but the devs made them feel more like friends and that was a relief to me. I absolutely loved Dion and the dragoons, I'm such a fan of dragoons. I loved how despicable some characters were. I loved how absolutely insane Barnabas was, especially during his fight. My favourite character though was Cid and I don't think I will forgive Square Enix. (He should've had a way bigger role).

Something I also need to talk about is the lack of having a party. Now even FFXV who is not turn-based was able to make your party members have a role and you could actually interact with them and even play them but in FFXVI, it's like Clive is alone, all you have is Torgal but I would've loved for it to feel less empty by at least having interactions with the numerous party members you get during the game. It was definitely lacking there.

The music was absolutely insane and honestly I would trust Soken with absolutely everything in my life. I could talk about that soundtrack for so long but I'll keep it short for this review lmao. But it was absolutely awesome and really got the ambiance perfect. Like during that Typhon fight, the music was more modern and it really showed the feeling of fighting an otherwordly being. Or the music in the tower to reach Barnabas, it really reminded me of the trials music from FFX, it really had those vibes and it was awesome.

The visual were incredible, the game looked amazing the whole length of it. I have to say my favourite fight still is Ifrit vs Typhon it was just absolutely awesome. As for my favourite cutscene, to be fair... Barnabas and Clive on top of that tower was awesome the visuals were so cool. But the game as a whole had amazing cutscenes. I also will not forgive Square Enix for breaking me two Final Fantasy games in a row. I definitely cried a lot.

I really need to end this review lmao but this was pretty awesome and it felt like Game of Thrones, LOTR, DMC and FF had a baby together (and I love all of those)

ps: the gays won yet again.
ps again : a lot of beautiful naked people, we stan

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

Great review, probably your best one