Gonna be honest, I'm not even gonna bother getting my point across in this review. EVERYTHING I need to say about it has been made in my GG file, which you can find here: https://ggapp.io/LucasStickman/reviews/paper-mario-color-splash/YcyHO_E_

It's a 1400-word read but if you want the TLDR, here it is: This prideful chucklef### of a fanbase is really, really, REALLY stupid! Just because they value the GameCube and Wii era of games, they decide to disregard any care and passion Nintendo put into this game like the backstory of the Dark Bloo Inn and the real-life barbecue Intelligent Systems had to model an asset for a boss battle and completely yoink any excuse to dislike this game clean out of their butts.

"Hammer Scraps that increase your mana capacity? Quality of Life features like a sort button you can use at any time and an advanced mode that merges card-sorting and painting as one? Unique, creative, charming worlds? Character personalities that are incredibly distinct from one another? The notion that the paper art style contributes to worldbuilding? The very idea that initial mindsets may influence the overall thought of a game? WHO CARES ABOUT THAT!? Let's just judge the entire journey of Paper Mario: Color Splash by literally its cover and show the entire positive-review modern Paper Mario community that we have the gall to rank only the Paper Mario games without mingling it with other Mario RPGs like Mario & Luigi or Mario + Rabbids. These opinions CERTAINLY haven't been explained in detail to death by now!"

Seriously, this astronomically hostile community makes Cars 2 reviews look like Splatoon 2 reviews. They legit do NOT care about the passion put into this game at all and only seek to find Paper Mario related interviews to treat the interviewee like the scourge of life, to the point where it permanently holds the title of "Most Underrated Game of All Time". It got so bad and I got so sick and tired of hearing it, it led me to swear on the internet without censoring myself for the first time. There's absolutely no point for me to even keep trying to convince people to understand my perspective and I should just isolate myself whenever I'm gonna talk about Paper Mario. I hope the most insufferable of these toxic fans fall victim to their own lack of logic and eat a two-week-old unrefridgerated pie.

Reviewed on May 16, 2022
