"Veil Tear"? For real? BioWare, I came here to hunt a witch!

Sigh... Once again, the Warden sets out to do a thing and ends up babysitting a bunch of forgettable characters with bad builds. This time around, our party is composed of some elf, some mage and a Mabari hound, which may or may not be the same dog from the campaign. At least, this time around, their quest is something important to the Warden: finding out where Morrigan went after the defeat of the Archdemon.

It's the only reason why I'm willing to give it a pass, even though it has more or less the same issues as the rest of the DLC packs: short, buggy, does not include the original cast and is filled with busywork and poorly put together encounters. Also, the final conversation with Morrigan doesn't really provide any answers, but instead just vaguely teases events one can only hope get resolved in Inquisition.

By the Maker, it's amazing how low the bar for DLC was for Dragon Age.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

"By the Maker, it's amazing how low the bar for DLC was for Dragon Age."

Ehhhh that's just Bioware during the 2000s as a whole, even ME1&2 had some massive stinkers, some even being worse! If there's one praise I can give to ME3, it's that it was the first time a team from that period actually gave out good DLCs with no asterisks attached.