I have to say I feel kinda bad talking about this game, because I earnestly wanted to like it. It's known as a bit of a cult classic in gaming circles, so much so that, a few years back, Ubi announced a sequel/prequel. Which has been in radio silence for a while. Anyway.

BG&E does feel like a complete package, at first glance. Female protagonist, original mechanics, an unusual setting... The thing is, the definition of "classic" definitely does not apply to it. This is a game that needed more than an HD remaster, it needed an actual remake to fix its technical issues.

The camera is the biggest offender. It is god-awful. It sways all over the place to the point of causing actual motion sickness, and it almost always forces an inadequate perspective on the scene, such as too close to your character or staring at the floor. There's a case to be made for the necessity of reviewing the entirety of the control scheme, but the camera by itself is the cause of so many silly deaths, it makes the game a frustrating experience.

With actual effort put into updating it to modern standards, BG&E could shine, but as it is, it's a clunky game, hard to convince people to play. And seeing the state of BG&E2's development and how Ubi is looking to crowdsource parts of it... well, it doesn't seem like the original has much of a chance of being looked at again.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2022
