The worst game in the series to date - 2042 is likely worse though. "Going back to its roots" is a hilarious joke. "Never before seen" side of WW2 is because no one cares about this side of WW2 - it's not fun and to call them battles when compared to Battlefield 1942 or 1943 is a joke. Every single thing about this game is absolutely terrible. You've got dudes running around with guns that weren't even available in that front. You've got dudes fighting in areas they never actually fought in. Dudes running around with guns that weren't even created for years yet just like BF1. The maps all suck. The flyable area is tiny in all of them. You can't see anyone ever when you're n a firefight unless they're directly in front of you, usually. Tanks are made of paper and even more defenseless than in Battlefield 4 where getting in a tank was a certain death from infantry. Just a terrible game through and through. Didn't even have the Pacific in it on launch.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023
