sleep battle pass is insane

EDIT: 7/27/23
Played every day since release for around a week or so before taking a step back and saying to myself "Why am I doing this?"
I don't need a sleep tracker because my CPAP machine does that already, and it's not really fun as a game. I liked collecting the pokémon at first, but you quickly realize there's not much point in doing so. You can't battle them or anything, and the only difference in them is the type of ingredients and berries they collect, and their skills. Neither of which really matter that much. I also found myself checking it way too often than I'd like, once at each meal time to feed Snorlax, throughout the day some to collect berries and level up pokémon, at night to track sleep, and then in the morning to catch pokémon. The morning routine is simply too long, I feel. As someone who has a job to go to in the morning, I don't really want to spend what time I have in the morning going through a bunch of menus just for the chance of catching a pokémon! The monetization is pretty aggressive too, you can only realistically get one pokémon a day if you're not paying anything, and that's if you're lucky. Locking the diary function behind a $12 a month Sleep BattlePass™️ is absurd. All in all, I don't really get the point of it. It's certainly not the best sleep tracker out there, and it's definitely not the most engaging as a video game. If you want a Pokémon mobile game, there are a few others that are at least somewhat more engaging. To be fair, though, I really don't know what else they could have done with this concept. Tracking sleep and playing video games don't really mix. Perhaps one day far in the future we can all hook ourselves up to some machine that will let us catch and battle Pokémon in our dreams, but that time is not now.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2023
