I feel incredibly immersed and surprisingly not motion sick at all when I play Skyrim VR. It's straight-up therapeutic for me to chill out as a Khajiit wherever I want. I have felt nothing but joy playing the game even if it's the millionth time I've played a TES game and the thousandth time I've played Skyrim. The world feels alive in a whole new way when I play in VR.

However, and this is a big however, this is an absolutely botched VR port and is pathetic in how little it brings to the table by default. It straight up requires mods just to work in ways a player would expect it to work from the beginning. Vanilla Skyrim is obviously nothing compared to a modded version of itself either, but at least it doesn't carry with it the disappointment of being a bad version of a decent game.

As much as I enjoy my time in this game and as much as I'll likely come back to it, I cannot for the life of me give it a good rating because of how inadequate it is for what it is. Is it worth pirating? Sure! Is it worth paying for as much as base Skyrim? Hell no. I'm glad I got it super cheap on sale.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2022
