A game that strives to implement its main hook decently (bullet curving) into the gameplay loop, but then keep it standard procedure for everything else. Wanted: Weapons of Fate is a third-person-shooter based off the movie released the year prior. Not completely following the story of the movie, considering it follows Wesley & his father in different time periods; attempting to take down “The immortal”

While the curved bullet element of the game keeps stuff semi fresh it's unfortunately the only element really of note in the game. The environments are pretty drab & uninspired, not really leaving much of an impression. The bosses too don’t really stand out in any particular way, only things I remember is the first boss being pretty jank to deal with & the last being an absolute bullet sponge… Which does remind me roughly 1⁄2 way through the game certain enemies also end up becoming very bullet resitant too.

At least it’s a short game, roughly 3-4 hours, but I'm not really sure I want to recommend it to anyone. Only really if somebody has interest in the bullet curving mechanic sorely. Because that’s pretty unique & can’t pinpoint another game where it can be experienced otherwise.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
