Been playing a surprising amount of this recently, it's a quite unique experience. Considering its a horror-adjacent setting coupled up with team-based vs. solo player PvP game. Not a combination I’ve seen often, but is quite fun to play with 1-3 friends if playing as a survivor or still enjoyable solo as ”The killer”

Though will make it pretty clear that I do not think this is a good multiplayer game to play on the survivor side if playing completely alone. Sure, you can be lucky & get a lobby of moderately to good randoms once in a blue moon, but otherwise my (admittedly limited) experience solo queuing as a survivor normally leads to being paired up with griefers, either sabotaging the survivor side or dying instantaneously deliberately. Rage quitters, who leave as soon they’re hooked/downed their first time or sandbaggers… Who arguably could be new players, but are so avoidant of the killer they pretty much contribute nothing for the team side. Which also is why I recommend playing with 1 friend minimum when playing as a survivor. Because then you can be sure ½ your team is cooperative at least.

Playing killer though is fun! You aren’t weighed down by potentially useless teammates & based on my own personal experience you can still have fun in most match-ups. If equally skilled just play normally, however for “lower skilled” survivor teams I tend to adjust my playstyle to make it a bit more difficult to hook people (also cause it's never fun to curb-stomp a team that's obviously outmatched)... There are ofc the infamous high skill “survivor bully squads” that can suck running into - but I run into those so rarely I wouldn’t worry about it (though should it happen just slug them. Don’t make a habit of playing like an ass, but if they start it then all is fair)

As for the game on a mechanical level. I do agree with the comments that it does become formulaic after a while doing gens/hooking survivors/etc. But I’d say it holds the interest for a good while before hitting that level & running different characters with varying playstyles definitely extends that window tremendously. I still boot the game up & run a few lobbies these days without being bored (I don’t have 1000’s of hours like other people have in this game. But TBF I don’t have that amount with many games?) It’s a fun game & I’d definitely recommend it if intrigued by the concept of a horror-esque multiplayer game.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024
