Finished Alice Madness return, Man this game had so much potential, the Highs of this game are really high, the visual, the Gothic artstyle, the music and enemy variety is Amazing like Top of the line.

The gameplay is also aged amazingly well, Alice moves like a dream, the controls are responsive, combat although very basic but its satisfying and with different enemies requiring different strategies it never gets old.

but ALAS the game have big issue like with its levels they look amazing, but each Main chapter which there are 5 of them stretches out and dragged out to death, each chapter going from 2 to 3 hour, especially Chapter 3 where i almost dropped the game cuz it goes for 3 hour, and gets boring, reptitive platforming and puzzle design just hurts the game too much.
so overall i would say 7/10

(man if psychonauts dev made creative levels and platforming section for this game it would've been one the best Action platformer out there thats how much it got potential)

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023
