Finished ER, 2nd times the charm, took me a while to give this game a 2nd chance as I invested 30+ hours 1st time around and had to drop for some BS reason more on that later.

Lets get to the Positives 1st, ER is a power house of Artstyle and Game design, This is one of the best and the best FS games in terms of its artstyle, the vistas looks straight out of some painting, and it drops my jaws more then I can count.

The Open world oh man this is the best OW in terms of invoking feeling of discovery and curiosity in u, there are so many secret stuff that u accidentally stumble upon and it feel rewarding and satisfying af.(but had to say I do miss smartly design interconnected linear level design from FS tho)

The GAMEPLAY is solid, if u love Dark souls gameplay u love this, I personally more of a Bloodborne and sekiro guy so this gameplay was fine for me, just wished that they reinvent the gameplay as they did with Sekiro and BB(personal preference ig)

Now to the bad stuff, the same old way of FS storytelling oh my bad its lore telling, and the shakespearry way of NPC talking and giving side quest u have to go to utube and other guides to do these things and acquire some of the stuff, FS fans love this type of beat, and for me it was charming at 1st but after so many games it become tiresome and annoying, imo if a player have to go to Utube or guides to do some of the stuff then the game have failed in conveying information.
The Open world is its best feature and its worst in terms of “team spreading too thin” they have to make this game so big and in doing so there are some repetition involve some bosses some side dungeon are samy (not Ubisoft level of copy paste but little bit notiocable).

And the biggest issue is Boss balancing some bosses go down in one try other bosses have this debuff to u that u do damage below the starting level like comeon, and bosses also have very BS moves, and they no longer have that FS PITCH PERFECT MOVE SET like their previous games IMO.

Its still a great game solid 8/10 from me.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2024
