"i was high on COCAIN while orgasming nonstop"
The gameplay, the 90's anime art style is goatest of GOAT.
The rush of dopamine u get in few mints is more then enough to justify its price point.
"Got freaking damn it these cutscenes ooozes so much charm and old ass anime coolness
Fucking hell badassness and coolness next level"

The only issue I have with it is that barring a few unique and funny boss fights, and some out of this world setpeace levels, the game level design 70% of the time remains the same, with similar powerups, wish they experimented more.

Edit: "But man replaying it over and over on hardest difficulties I just had to bump this up to 10, this game is outlandishly fun"

Solid 10/10

OLD Demo review
Hands down best Demo i ever played in my life, and GOT DAMN while playing it, I feel like i was high on COCAIN while orgasming nonstop.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
