The game that started it all, the reason I love linear action-adventure stories, and I am a gamer.

Storytelling time, I was little I wanted to play this game so bad I love the whole concept of time, but I didn't have a powerful PC but when I get the PC around 2005-6 and Played and finished, the whole POP sands trilogy, I fell in love with linear action-adventure games.

and after finishing my replay of SOT holy fucking shit what a phenomenal game this is, I am happy to say the younger me was a man of culture.
game aged gracefully, the story holds up, the whole journey of Prince and farah is peak fiction.

Gameplay is superb the platforming is amazing, the combat is basic but its strategic, e.g that each enemy has diff Immunities and weaknesses
Gray enemies are immune to wall attacks but can be 1 hit kill by jump attack and dagger absorb
Red enemies are immune to jump attacks and dagger absorb and wall attacks but can be killed by jump attacks
Blue enemies are weak to everything but 1 wall attacks can stun them.
like there is good amount of strategy in a basic combat system and there are blocks, parry and special time powers

I fucking love this trilogy back then and I fucking love it now.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2023
