For a game I got for $20 (AUD).... not bad. For a full price $90 (AUD) game? HAHAHA don't even bother.

This is a pretty poorly designed rhythm game. The rhythm patterns chosen swap between the melody, percussion, and really any other instrument parts at random, while the visuals don't properly telegraph these changes to the player. Often times I found myself having to guess what rhythm the game expected me to play as the game is completely unable to communicate specific rhythms to the player. There are also occasionally times where the background visuals are too flashy to the point it actually decreases the visibility of the notes. I could go on and on about the poor design of this rhythm game but if you've read this much, I think you've got my point.

The game is pretty easy, however, even on proud mode the entire way through. As it is really only a challenge in the very final stage of the world tour (albeit a poorly designed challenge), you might say the poor design is somewhat forgivable. That said, I still think it's a pretty poorly designed rhythm game.

The story content... it's a nice tease I guess. You can get everything you need from a short YouTube video.

Honestly I'd say you're better off getting a better rhythm game and just watching the story content online. I'm glad I played it but I wouldn't have paid more than $20 for it.

P.S. I had a much longer review typed out but I'm stupid and accidentally deleted it all so this is the abridged version.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2021
