i beat this before the patch released that fixed most issues

a step in the right direction but not enough, trust me i had a blast breaking this game to bits with the character upgrades, so much so i 100% the whole thing, because i actually had a lot of dumb fun with this one. just running through the island as all the characters is so cool it kinda brings me back to the old days back when sonic had friends. I know people hated the final trial and they have every right to. but I loved it. I love the bosses from frontiers that having the game force me to master each one was exhilarating and fun to experiment with, even if it took me 95835182048902 times to beat them, the awesome music also helped with that. the final boss was good they just needed to give more direction on what to do, I never would've figured out that you could rip the cord off of supreme without a walkthrough. the levels though? love and hate them. I love how much freedom and experimentality they give you it really makes it feel like an adventure stage from time to time, some of the levels have fun gimmicks like anti gravity or ultra boost which i had a blast with. what i don't like are the missions, they suck ass to say the least. i don't mind the token collecting or whatever, but the stupid flicky finding is so stupid and the numbers are also stupid, i got way to frustrated when 100% these stages, luckily you don't even have to play a signal one to beat the game i love that. the writing also sucks ass it feels like it was written by a fan fiction artist that wasn't even passionate about their work. i never really understood what was going on and the characters were explaining thing that the game thinks i should already know (which i don't) so it ends up being the confusing mess of words and garble to me. seriously they NEED to fix the characters in the next game for crying out loud.
overall this game is jank enough to get a good pass for me and i highly recommend it for people who enjoyed frontiers, but for people with better tast i say look elsewhere. thank god this was free.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
