A really great version to play I only wish they made it available besides mcc. The cutscene are drop dead gorgeous built from the ground up, the graphics and lighting blew my mind when I played it as a kid and for 2014 they still hold up amazingly. The sound effects are completely redone and sound so good. Overall it's extremely faithful to the original but I still prefer the original due to its history and charm. However there are a few issues.
I played the legendary campaign for the first time on pc and boy it sucks. It clearly wasn't play tested at all, with horrible godlike AI, that shove grenades up your ass, jackle snipers that can just instant kill you from a million miles away and completely unbalanced RNG that are never in your favor. And once the Brutes show up it gets worse. There just big bullet sponges with little to no strategy to defeat you just have to pray you have enough ammo and cover to defeat them.
The final boss Tartarus is horrible. Took me over an hour to defeat because his AI would just wander on the top and bottom platform and stay there forever and the other brutes that show up just make the fight near impossible, but that's just the legendary campaign, the normal difficulty is well balanced I just wished they fixed a lot of those issues.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2024
