Yeah, I played and beat this because it was featured in Ready Player One. Far be it for me to validate Ernest Cline's tendency to reference whatever he feels like without guiding people along. But (1) Adventure's important enough to play through anyway, and (2) Cline at least did his due establishing Adventure for non-nerd readers, so I got no qualms here.

Adventure is regarded as one of the first Adventure games (it's where the term comes from, after all). These days it definitely feels quaint for how limited it is, but it's a decent enough time. It's easy enough to get what you're supposed to do that it's still worth the quick revisit.

Though, I have read takes that even at the time, there was way less to do in it than its contemporaries. I suppose since there is no score system or anything, the game comes across as quite limited for an Atari 2600 title. Kind of funny to think about, since I'm used to thinking of things from the opposite end of the equation, but I can see it. Yars' Revenge gets its depth from its emergent high-score difficulty, after all.

Let the record show: "Rhindle", "Grundle", and "Yorgle" belong in the conversation for "best video game enemy name", alongside "Cacodemon", "Mancubus", and "Clyde".

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
