I'll admit a certain fondness for this game, both between the source material and this being one of those games I had as a kid but never got particularly far in. It's basically a budget Tomb Raider with shorter levels. There's a lot of jank to the game's motion, and not strictly a consequence to the tank controls; there were quite a few beats of trying to line up a jump and having Rick move juuuuust a bit too much one way or another, threading the needle. Not bad, just takes some getting used to.

I think the game's strength overall is its pacing. Those golden rhombus key thingies make for solid pace-setters in each level. There are a lot of experimental levels throughout, too, which I appreciate. I don't think I love any of the experimental levels per se - "River of Blood" is contingent on jumping in a game that doesn't have jumping down pat, the chase set pieces in "Storm of Sand" and "Swarm of Gadflies" look REALLY dorky, why on earth is "Beni's Downfall" a Donkey Kong level - but I think they're well-timed and well-placed within the overall flow of the game. You could do way worse.

This was localized in Japan, but under an unrelated title? Did Japan get the movie this was based on, or was this just released out of context? Wonder what that must've been like for PS1 kids.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023
