I was going to write a genuine review of this game where I nitpicked every single thing I hated, and I was writing these things down as I played the games. This game has so many things that are a problem and make playing the game the single most abysmal thing you could do with a friend. I like how you have the option to play this with a random dude using the power of the World Wide Web to connect you guys, as if this game could ever be enjoyable with the random temperature level IQ caveman that usually plays online games.

And then I got to the Ada campaign with my friend. And I turned into Agent. And I was as much of a presence in the game as Ada's farts were in her underwear. And I realized how nobody cared while making this game. So what's the point of even highlighting the bad things if they simply didn't give a fuck😎.It was awesome, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
