While JSR looks and sounds fantastic, I came out of it with an overall sense of frustration due to the mechanics and level design not really gelling with the gameplay. Control wise the game is okay with a solid sense of speed but the spray mechanic is so fucking annoying to deal with that you can never get much of a flow out of it. Needing to go around the levels to collect the spray just doesn't feel right and having to do long ass qte's while being pelted by enemies you can't fight just adds to the issues. The level design also doesn't help, feeling way too vertical with a camera that has a nasty time actually making things easy to see (also the enemies can ruin jumps leading to even MORE issues).

By no means can I recommend JSR unless you're willing to fight the game the entire way.


Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023


9 months ago

Definitely felt the same things after my playthrough sadly! I hope Sega decides to port JSRF eventually becuase I've heard a lot of people say it's a definitive improvement. But idk there's no easy way to play it. Even emulators can't do it 100% perfect apparently

9 months ago

Sounds like we had pretty similar experiences then; except I didn't even finish it. I wanted to love this game so much bc I love the music and the visual style, but it's just...agh
im playing it rn and while I do get frustrated at times, it's still a blast to play imo. I'm feeling a 7/10 rn and I think I'm on the third act of the game