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As someone who likes the Dead Space games to a varying degree (1 and 2 are still excellent games while 3 is a fun shitshow in co-op) it brings me no joy to say that The Callisto Protocol is one of the most shocking disappointments of the decade, with it bringing nothing new to the table and fucking up everything its mentor got right FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS AGO.

Before I tear this piece of shit apart I would like to say that the game isn't completely without merit. Powered with UE4, I'd say Callisto is certainly one of the best looking games, with excellent facial animations and jaw dropping areas that really draw you in. Would also say the sound design/atmosphere is really oppressive and sets the mood just right, with special mention going to the excellent stun baton sounds that make using it really feel great. Will also say that performances all around are pretty solid, with Josh Duhamel and Karen Fukuhara being excellent leads that manage to do well with this games somewhat generic setting.

If I could summarize the biggest issue with The Callisto Protocol in one word it'd be DULL. Everything from the absolutely miserable level design to the dreadful combat design to the generic as all hell world/monster design makes the entire experience feel like one of those fake games in some random movie. Not helping matters is how Callisto never truly evolves in any meaningful way from beginning to end, the same tedious button mashing gameplay with ONE form of puzzle solving and shit transitions to hide loading screens being done in chapter one all the way to chapter eight. Speaking of which that final chapter just might be the worst I've played in a long time, with the same mini boss (who you fight FOUR TIMES) being repeated twice and so much dogshit being thrown at you that it felt like the game just gave up on being a coherent experience.

With Glen Schofield gone and Striking Distance Studios suffering some pretty rough layoffs I think its a safe estimate to say that Callisto Protocol was a complete failure. It's a bitter pill to swallow but the Dead Space remake is out and is something I'm very excited to experience in the future. It can't possibly be this much of a soul sucker.


Reviewed on Oct 05, 2023


7 months ago

I knew someone who platinumed the game twice and still said it's one of the worst games he's ever played lol.

Huge shame because I was genuinely looking forward to this game.

7 months ago

@AndreBvenom yeah its a shame the game turned out the way it was