One of the most conflicting games I've played this year. I went from "this is great" to "what is this" every 30 seconds

Positives first : the controls are tight and responsive. Hitting the road with the bike feels good and the movement options allow for a lot of creativity. The instant respawn is a godsend and should be a standard in every game where you die in one hit. Blowing birds to smithereens never gets old and the OST is pretty good. I didn't like the overall story but the ending is great

Unfortunately there's a lot of bad. The story is impossible to take seriously when characters swear everytime (NPC aren't much better and aren't helped by most quests boiling down to fetch). The enemy placement is really puzzling at times, especially later on when they get gatlings with shots that are pointless to reflect since they can only be hit from above or behind homing rocket launchers (and believe me those rockets follow you to the other side of the fucking planet). The upgrades are also bad. You need around 30k money to upgrade everything but most of those upgrades don't feel substancial. Only things you really need are shotgun, pistol and bag upgrades, the rest is pretty much bait. And good luck farming when there's the dark souls mechanic where you lose half your money upon death and have to retrieve it by going where you died (It's not that bad since there's a lot of checkpoints but it's still annoying)

On the mixed bag the game has 6 bosses. Similarly to the rest of the game most are good but the 2 bad ones (caterpillar and crab) really suck ass

Did I like the game ? I mean yeah I finished it but it's definitely an acquired taste. It's either a GOTY contender or a frustrating experience that feels worse than it could be

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023
