After playing through this game 4 times (2 on normal, 2 on hard) I can finally say that this is a great, albeit very experimental, Gunvolt game.

I can't help but use superlatives to describe iX2. It has the best music, the best visual presentation, and the most fun challenge thanks to hard mode, but it also has the weakest story in the series and normal mode is pretty boring.

I'm interested to see which elements of the core gameplay Inti will keep and which ones they will scrap, since this game is very divisive already. Personally, I think the Razor Wheel is a cool idea but I wouldn't be sad to see it go if iX3 ever happens. If anything, give the core idea of the mechanic to Blade and make her a playable character.

If nothing else, PLEASE listen to this game's soundtrack. Ippo Yamada and the rest of III seriously never disappoint.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2022
