This game is like Bayonetta but if they decided to make her act like a parody of herself, oh and also if they tried to force a grimdark story in a game about a woman who attaches giant guns to her high heels. Oh and also if they wrote this story so that nobody really has any clue what is going on and where the majority of runtime is just Bayonetta going to a different "universe" (read, country) and meeting an alternate version of herself with about 5 lines of dialogue, an inevitable death scene and barely any personality besides Bayonetta but she’s from Japan or France or whatever. Oh and also if they decided to add a new character with her own playstyle different from Bayonetta but then make her stay pretty much the same both in terms of gameplay and character growth right up to the end. Oh and also if they decided aforementioned character should replace Cereza’s role as Bayonetta in the franchise going forward.

Oh and also if they tried to go for a more realistic visual style like Devil May Cry 5 but on hardware that is obviously not suited to that sort of graphical fidelity resulting in the game looking and running pretty poorly. Oh and also if they decided the majority of environments should be generic landscapes such as grey city, dessert and lava area. Oh and also if they decided cutscenes should all look stiff as hell in combination with the uncanny valley of the facial animations making everything feel like some poorly animated show from the early 2000s.

Oh and also if they decided to add unfun gimmick sections to pretty much every chapter and also replace a majority of major boss fights with so called gimmick sections. Oh and also if they decided a good amount of enemies should be so big and overdesigned that you have no idea what you are looking at or what kind of attack cues you should be looking for. Oh and also if they decided that air-to-ground combos just aren’t a thing anymore meaning if you want to transition to ground combat you have to awkwardly do nothing for a second so your character can make the 2 centimeter long descend back to the floor because even dodging near the ground will keep you suspended in air combat.

I have more qualms with this game in pretty much every aspect you can think of but I lack the words and sanity to write it all down right now. This game’s many flaws float through my head and I have try to fish them out to write a coherent review but there are just so many fish in the river that is my stream of conscious and they all scream for attention, no matter how big or small.

Oh well, at least the costumes are still great.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
