Wasted potential

i was so excited to play this while going throught the series but when i played and finished it i was dissapointed
The gameplay was so good
best stealth in the game and parkour
also the setting french revolution was so interesting and good, just going through Paris was immersive
also co-op was fun when i had a friend to play with
(which wasnt alot)
then thets about it

The bugs- omg the bugs made the gameplay so annoying
even tho the game has the best gameplay in the series the bugs and glitches made it so annoying sometimes to play.

The story was so lackluster especially the ending,
the story had many good ideas a plotlines but then didnt finish/flesh them out
Arno simping for elise was stupid

when i play deadkings i might like a bit more but for now its stays at 83/100 for me, i really wished the games story was better and wished that there were fewer bugs

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

🤓🤓🤓 Sucks to suck lil bro 💀💀You puny earthling 👽🙏 dont ever let my radar detect your heat signature on my homeworld or i will have to anally probe you 🔥💯🛸