finally a REAL rhythm idol game, a game where your score is actually dependant of your skill level instead of stupid 2d girls jpeg images, i love this game and its absolutely a better attempt at a "chunithm mobile" than project sekai ever was

im a huge fan of the pripara franchise and i would go as far to say that it has changed me as a person, and as a fan i was extremely hyped for this game, waiting for what seemed like neverending release date delays, after FIFTH DELAYS, the game finally releases, and since it was only released 2 years after its original release date one would assume that the game would be polished and at least working properly, like what happened with uma musume, a game that got postponed several times but ever since release has been one of the greatest f2p mobile games and the income it received confirmes so, but of course not, the game released with so many bugs that it was actually unplayable, you had to wait 6 whole minutes on the loading screen to get to a server just so you cant even finish a song because the servers would kick you out on the middle of it, not the mention the amount of bugs that happened during the mvs, my idol would be t posing inside of someones random idol with distorted music during a concert and it would only stop when i closed the game and waited another 6 minutes to get inside of it, the first day experience was absolutely horrendous, so much that they had to follow it with a one week maintenance to fix it, and even so it didnt really do much, atleast we got 1 million coins for the first day problems

this is not really something that actually bothers me but it is great to mention that the graphics and models havent changed and they keep using the 3ds game models even though those games were released on 2015, and its pretty clear that they could improve them based on the waccha primagi arcade models and THAT ALSO the gameplay of the concerts is the exact same as the switch game with little to no difference

not to mention but the game overrall just isnt fun, theres something lacking, it just doesnt feel good to play it at all, its boring and just really ugly, the only good thing to come out of this game is the anime, the other console pripara games are just better overrall and it wouldnt surprise me if the game ended its server after just one year, though i really do hope it has a long life, even if personally dislike it, its still good to see something in the pripara franchise doing good

tries too hard to be edgy to an insuferable point and i say that as the edgiest mf ever

i love pokemon contests and it was the best part of the game i hope they bring it back for any other gen in the future