Thinking about my favorite Tekken game gets difficult when I consider this one.

Gameplay wise this is probably the best in the series so far. It's not perfect (the engine leads to some weird imprecise hit detection in some instances) but it's way better than TTT2 (that was Bait and Poke: the game). Screw is better than bound; not only it looks cooler and the combos flow better, but it also limits the insane damage at the wall that bound allowed and the positioning game that left the attacker at a bigger advantage.

The gameplay is the most important part of a fighting game, but nowadays you need more than a great versus mode experience. There's a lot of little problems that add up and affect the experience:
-the game has to load EVERY TIME YOU REMATCH, even if nothing has changed.
-load times are sloooooow.
-the online experience is pretty bad and not on par with today's standards.
-the game looks worse than ttt2. How is that even possible? Look at Lili or Leo in this game then look at their models in ttt2. The hair notoriously looks worse on everyone.
-the customization is more limited compared to ttt2 and in some aspects you'll get worse looking characters that tekken 6.
-there's not much to do offline/single player: The cinematic story mode is...alright. The individual character stories are baaad. The only thing you are left with is treasure battle which is just endless mode... and bowling which is dlc.
-the worst one: it doesn't have team battle mode...

Even with all of my criticism about the lack of content, this is still one of my favorites in the franchise and I've played it for so many hours... offline single player, offline with friends, online with friends and online in ranked. I've played it on pc and ps4. I have the platinum trophy, in fact it was my fist plat and one of the reasons I got a ps4.

Still... I can't say that this is a 5/5 or the best Tekken game. I hope Tekken 8 fixes a lot of what this game got wrong.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
