This game at it's core is a minmaxer's dream. You can create crazy super soldiers by selectively breeding your soldiers with each other so that they get powerful skills like galeforce. You can also endlessly level up diferent classes by reclassing with the seals and, unlike other fire emblem games, there's endless skirmishes where you can grind levels/weapon proficiency.
All of that makes the game a breeze. Once you unlock the random skirmishes or you get access to the dlc even the hardest difficulty is manageable.
They even made a super hard dlc map with this in mind, and that hard map has an even harder secret path if you easily beat it.
Honestly, I love the freedom of customization and progression this game has, it is a totally different experience than other fire emblem games. For some people this is a weakness of the game, losing the tense tactical gameplay where you have to make the best move or permadeath will take away your units and limited resources, but for me, making even the worst unit capable of steamrolling the enemy army is just pure fun.

Oh there's also the story... it's not that good but I like a lot of the cast. Sure, there are some duds (like Virion, Miriel and the worst one Kellam) but since you get so many characters to choose to bring to battle it's not that big of a deal. The graphics are... alright, the animations too. The music has some great bangers, some of the best tracks in the franchise.

Overall, this game is flawed, but I love how crazy it is. It's clear that the developers made this game thinking it was going to be the last of the series.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
