Nowadays, I have trouble maintaining interest in almost any game that’s over like 30+ hours, maybe even less than that. I don’t know how I could stomach it when I was younger. There are exceptions however, and Yakuza 0 is one of them. I was completely enamoured the whole way through at somewhere between 90-100 hours, and I still hadn’t come close to 100%. It’s Yakuza tradition to have a mind-boggling degree of variety, but 0 really kicks it up a notch.

Not much to say that hasn’t been said already, but something I do wanna touch on because I don’t hear it talked about much, is how immersive it is, and this applies to all Yakuza games, not just this one. The world is painstakingly detailed. Navigating Kamurocho and Sotenbori feels incredibly organic, especially if you take the time to learn street names and play without the minimap. After a certain point, it begins to feel like how a regular commute feels in real life. All the activities you can do just hammer this home even more. And the ambient audio during exploration is fucking amazing. Seriously, pay attention to that shit the next time you play one of these games.

Anyway yeah it’s one of my favourite games. It rocks.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2024
