Is it blasphemy to like this one more than 2 Remake?

I consider myself a pretty strong opposer to rereleases in all forms. What I like about this one is that it feels almost nothing like the original; a common, and valid point of criticism happens to be the primary reason why I like it so much. It’s much harder for me to compare it to the original, unlike 2 Remake.

Instead of a faithful remake, you get a pretty dramatic reimagining of it as an action game. It’s well-paced, looks great, the boss fights are really fun. It’s just a really good time.

I can see why this one is not very well liked, but given this current era of gaming where creativity is exceedingly rare, and rereleases keep our heads buried in the past-sand, it’s actually kinda nice to have one of those rereleases be nothing like the original. That’s my two cents.

Reviewed on May 04, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

Good take, better pfp.