DOOMATHON entry #4/20

I'm years overdue to have played the classic Doom games, but it's a good thing I chose now as the time to marathon both Doom and Quake, as not only was I just in time for the release of Sigil II - if not for Nightdive Studios' excellent remaster of Doom 64, I may very well have overlooked what I can safely declare to be my favorite classic entry.

Doom 64's core gameplay is unchanged from its predecessors, but features a variety of much appreciated balancing tweaks that maintains the first game's mechanical purity as well of the best of the the sequel's additions; the lack of certain enemies may have been due to the N64's limitations, but it worked out for the better alongside the aspect of this game that most separates it from what came before - the thick, ominous atmosphere courtesy of Aubrey Hodges' dread-inducing ambient soundtrack and the frequent, striking use of colored lighting not possible in the original Doom engine.

The rip-roaring heavy metal mood of the first two games suits them perfectly and is essential to the series' identity, but the drastically different tone present here was essential in preventing me from ever totally tiring of its particularly labyrinthine later levels. I still was still frustrated at times when unsure where to go next and the map design doesn't quite reach the creative heights of Doom 2, but this was by far the most consistent experience I've had with a Doom game yet. This is a must play for any fan of the series that happened to miss out on it in the many years prior to its widespread accessibility.

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Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
