One of the first game's I ever played and pretty much a pillar of not only my childhood, but my life. I know people complain about the "clone" movesets and although a lot of the weapons have the same base combos, they do have little subtle differences in there that separate them all from each other.

When I was young, I used to have trouble completing some of the later stages but after returning to it later I have nearly completed it 100%. I have 4 or 5 4th weapons to unlock and that's me but they are the harder weapons to get.

I much prefer this over Dynasty Warriors 4 as I prefer the character design, stage design and music. I love the general gameplay loop of this game over Dw4 too as Dw4 although harder, doesn't always necessarily play fair. Often times, you may jump and the enemies will all jump with you and hit you. Jump charge attacks become pointless as a result.

The AI is aggressive and if you're not careful you may find yourself in a tough spot (Liu Bei's 4th weapon you'll likely be the only person alive 5 minutes in for example) but if you know what you're doing then you do have a chance of not taking on the final officers alone.

The voice actors, although cheesy and bad, it's the good kind of bad. Where as Dw4 I don't think a lot of them are bad in a good way. I think they're just bad. Also these actors have provided some of the most iconic deliveries in all of this series. I could write for hours about this game but there are so many reasons why it is among my favourite ever games that I simply cannot explain in a single review.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2024
