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Devil May Cry 5 is my favourite game of all time, and nothing comes close.

I have been playing this game since day 1 of the original PS4 release in 2019 and have finally obtained the platinum trophy.

This is by far the hardest trophy I have ever achieved in my time playing video games and I am so glad that obtained it.

Nero is so much fun to play as in this game, even more so than DMC4 which is already saying something because I already adored Nero's play style in DMC4. The devil breakers are a fantastic mechanic that i sorely miss when replaying DMC4.

V is an awesome new character that I really enjoy playing and think in concept is extremely awesome. The callback to DMC1 with his familiars is so cool. However when getting the platinum trophy, replaying his missions so many times to S rank them all got extremely tedious and boring.

Dante is so fucking awesome. What more can I say. His gameplay is refined from DMC4 and all of his weapons are really fun. When i first played DMC5 i wasn't really that fond of Cavaliere, I have no fucking idea why because that shit is radical.

The levels are fine, but there's only so exciting hyper realistic flesh demon tree can get and gets a bit tired in the latter end of the game.

My biggest gripe with the game is the art style. While the game does look absolutely beautiful, i do slightly prefer the art style of the older DMC games. But Capcom will never not use the RE engine ever again.

The story of this game is extremely fun and entertaining from start to finish with some also serious and emotional moments splattered throughout. I don't think the story is as good as DMC3's but still great.

The bosses are all great in this game, the only ones i'm not particularly fond of are Nidhogg in Mission 4 and Gilgamesh in Mission 6. Nidhogg's main problem for me is the arena, and Gilgamesh just feels like a boring filler boss.

I love the Vergil fight in this game so much, while not as challenging as Vergil in DMC3, there's something about him that feels more polished and fun to fight.

Speaking of Vergil, he is by far my favourite character to play in this game. He is so broken and so much fun to play and I love him so much.

I do think special edition is lacking in new content from the original game. I don't really think paying $40 for Legendary Dark Knight and Turbo mode is worth it in my opinion and is the main reason I didn't pick up DMC5SE for so long and just bought the Vergil DLC instead. It would've been nice to see the return of playable Lady and Trish or even better that rumored "Ladies Night" DLC especially after the both of them take a serious backseat in the games main plot. Turbo mode is incredibly good however and the game without it is now unplayable for me.

In terms of the platinum there is only one trophy that actually makes it hard. And that is the "Worthy of Legend" trophy. This trophy is achieved by obtaining an S rank on all missions on all difficulties which is no easy feat. especially for Dante Must Die which makes enemies hit like fuck and and take a year to kill. And Hell and Hell, which means you die in one hit.

This trophy cost me a piece of my soul that I will never get back. There is a special place in hell for the guy that designed the style ranking system for mission 10.

The bloody palace trophy is one that would be very challenging to get but I'm a bitch so I used super characters which made Dante, V and Vergil all free clears. Nero however doesn't have any game breaking gimmicks with his super costume so it wasn't a walk straight to the finish line, but still marginally easier than without the super costume.

DMC 5 is the closest a game has ever gotten to being perfect for me, I really hope we get DMC6 someday.

Let's Rock Baby.

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2023
