As a little kid who was just randomly trying PS1 games, this was my Demon's Souls.

The dark atmosphere, the lack of explanation, the crypticness of progression ... I never quite got far in this game, but it was so damn cool. Throwing enemies into spikes, picking up weapons and piercing through foes, the banging soundtrack on top of it ... It all resulted in a short, but intense time that I never forgot after over 20 years. It seemed like everything was possible in this and that there was this epic adventure ahead of me that I never quite got to.

Finally having played and completed it now almost feels wrong. It's a really good action adventure with some creative bosses and a rewarding story (if you played Legacy of Kain) but it also erased all the mystique surrounding this game for me and the constant box pushing even makes it look a little silly, lol.

There's lots to love in this game, but the lack of direction and sometimes frustrating jumping drags it down. It probably would've been more fun if it was more fighting and less puzzle solving oddly enough. Even all of the bosses are puzzles. Some really neat ones though. The teleporter mechanic and realm changing is still pretty damn impressive!

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
