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I just replayed this game.
I talked with everyone, i took all the photos i can take, investigated everything, and this game is really just so uniquie.
The only thing that connects everyone in Blackwell is their love to Rachel, which is really sad. Everytime you talk to someone about Rachel, they tell you that she was just... amazing. Outstanding, that everyone are the nerds when they stand next to her. I miss her so much ;((.

There are really good movie references in this game, too, that i didn't saw before. Like the ''redrum'' plate on room 217, reference to ''The Shining'' which is super cool :DD.
The music is amazing. The characters are amazing.
Oh how i wish to have a friend like Chloe to just conquer the world together!!

When i learned that the Doe is actually Rachel trying to guide Max, man, i was on my tears T_T STILL AM.

True masterpiece <3 i want to play more games with this vibe T_T

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2023


1 year ago

don't forget the twin peak references

1 year ago

You are totally right.
Rachel Amber and Laura Palmer even share the same birthday (and fate, sadly)