It's hockey but your character has moba-like skills that hit the puck and your opponents, and you can kill each other via ringouts. Bad games usually end fast because of snowballing and the long ones are always intense as hell.
The new awakening system means that the matches are extremely varied even if they start with the same set of characters because your performance affects which awakenings you can pick which affects your future performance and so on.
I would give it a 5/5 but some characters are toxic af and devolve the game if their user has at least double-digits IQ (somewhat rare occurrence in such players), and I don't think they'll be reworking or deleting them any time soon. That said, when you're put in a lobby with people of similar skill levels it's some of the must fun I've had in years.

If people let this game die I'll take it as proof that doing game design is a waste of time in multiplayer games.

Reviewed on May 12, 2023
