Graphics - 10/10
Honestly, This game is the best looking game I have ever played. The fact that R was doing this in 2018 is unbelievable. May I remind you that other games of this year were Hitman 2, Two Point Hospital and Subnautica. All of these game look great in their own right but get nowhere near the photo-realism that is presented in RDR2.

Performance - 10/10
This is the second most important category for me behind gameplay. Whilst at launch this game was a shit show, R
has done a great job in updating the game over the last couple of years. This game runs at nearly 100 fps constantly on my RX 6600 XT and R5 5600X.

Gameplay - 8/10
Whilst some may find the R formula repetitive and boring, I personally love it. The guns feel powerful, the missions are well designed and the NPCs make the world feel alive. R has done a great job at designing the NPCs around a schedule which actually makes them feel like human beings rather than animated lines of code.

Story - 10/10 (No Spoilers)
R have done a great job in building characters and making you feel attached to them by the end of the story. You will even feel guilty for accidentally killing your digital and 100% replaceable horse.

Online - 4/10
Red Dead Online has so much potential but unfortunately R
have just abandoned it completely with them announcing that it will not receive any more content updates. I would've loved to see R* take this further but instead they focused on the game making them the most money instead, GTA 5. This is the only point in which the game falters in my opinion.