Looking back it's pretty meh, combats okay if a little below average because of the clear distinction between single and multiple enemy attacks. The open world is okay, pretty generic open world stuff with its slew of markers. On a technical level its impressive but the actual art style and direction isn't great so I feel it'll age much worse than its stylized contemporaries. The stealth sections felt tedious and unnecessary, while there are not many of them they still mess with the flow of the game. The story and characters aren't bad but the pacing of the plot feels all over the place, which is in part due to insomniacs recent obsession with conforming to a 3 act structure. On the bright side the web swinging was cool and the unlockable suits were neat. Overall the game only slightly stood out in a sea of open world, skill tree loving, action adventure games that flood the market these days.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2022
