I recommend it IF you know where you're stepping on. They promised us the biggest Lego game so far, with lots of reinventions to the franchise, and it does have a huge scope, but at times its ambitions aren't completely fulfilled. It's hard to separate the pros and cons, especially 'cause they're kinda mixed here, so I'll try my best pointing them.

GAMEPLAY: It's quite smooth, a natural evolution from the previous games. The battle system is more complex, you can hide behind objects during gun combats and make melee combos, and although it's really fun and freshing, it ends up being a bit pointless, 'cause the game is so easy that you can beat your enemies by doing simple attacks and without hiding behind objects, just like the previous games. In other words, there's a lack of focus to make these new features really work. The platforming is effective most of the time, and the space sections are fun as hell.

CHARACTERS: we have tons of characters, divided in nine classes with different skills (Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Scavenger, etc.). Of course, I wasn't expecting to every single character to be different, but a couple of them doesn't reach their full potential, for example, Palpatine's lightning power is so downgraded compared to the previous games that makes he feels more like a generic character in the game, and the same happened to Boba/Jango Fett and R2-D2's flight. General Grievous on the other hand has a fantastic and unique gameplay and animation. Because of that, I didn't feel like buying the DLCs.
You can also upgrade your characters classes, which sometimes means nothing, 'cause the game becomes even easier, and you can skip some tasks they put in the game. Then I ask: if the tasks can be skippable, so why did they put them in the game foremost? It feels the developers are sabotaging themselves.

GAME MODES: The Story Mode has its moments, but it's mediocre and repetitive IMO. It sometimes boils down to walking from point A to point B with nothing to do in between, and then watching a cutscene, so at the end of the nine episodes I was already feeling like stopping the game for good, but what really sells the thing is the exploration. In a nutshell, you can avoid following the main mission and then adventure yourself in all the open worlds they built according to the episodes, and UOW, when I first walked freely in Tatooine and Coruscant they felt so alive. The developers indeed put the attention to the details, and in general the worlds have a decent amount of fun and humorous missions with a lot of references for the devoted fans. Of course, some planets were better than others, and unfortunately after some time, they don't feel so replayable.

TECHNICAL ASPECTS: the graphic is great, the animation is a master class of principles, the dub is noteworthy, especially 'cause they got some voice actors from The Clone Wars, and the soundtrack is a masterpiece as we know. There are several bugs that can even make you restart the game though, and it also gives you the impression it could have been more optimized at some points. The UX menu is kinda confusing too, I spent more time on it than I wanted.

In general, the game biggest problem is fulfilling its ambitions, but come on, it's Lego! That's a very good game dedicated to SW fans, and considering the issues I pointed, it can be worth for you, especially if you have someone to play with. I'd give it a 7.5/10. It's good, but could be greater.

Positive points
- Open World;
- Exploration;
- Humor;
- Gameplay Moveset.

Negative points
- A few minor bugs that made me restart the level;
- sometimes the space sections take a long time to repeat the same tasks.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
